Most of the time, when you ask a child to draw a house, they will draw a very familiar image. They start with a triangle roof and two lines that extend downward to form the walls. In the center, there’s a rectangular door with windows on each side. They also add a chimney, flowers under the windows, a tree, birds, butterflies, and a big yellow sun. No matter what personal touches they add, it always turns out to be a beautiful home.
But what if you ask that same child to draw the inside of the house? What would they include in that drawing? It would be amazing if every drawing of the inside of a home could be a beautiful image of love and happiness.
Unfortunately, that’s not always the case. We come across people every day who have a beautiful house on the outside but a not-so-beautiful inside. Let’s hope that we have the love and compassion to pray for each person we meet and say, “God bless this house.”
In the summer of 2003 my family participated in a youth mission trip to Charleston, SC. Our church partnered with Charleston Outreach to do backyard bible school sessions at one of the community parks. I’ve heard it said over and over again when speaking about an experience where you go to help someone, “I received more of a blessing than I could ever give”.
This painting is one of the paintings inspired by my experience.